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Ministry and leadership can be difficult. 
Staying doesn't have to be as tough.

Join ministers and spouses who are

intentionally connecting with Christ

and others to become


Create space to lead with a full tank, practice emotionally healthy discipleship,

grow personally, and help others around you do the same. 

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  • Tired - but not the kind that goes away with only a nap 

  • Contemplating leaving ministry - but don't want exhaustion to be the reason you exit

  • Longing for a safe space to pray or discuss with other leaders - but haven't found it yet 

  • Looking for a way to facilitate growth in your team members​


If you are ...

... we can help.

Refresh your soul. 
Feed your growth.
Develop your skills.

Retreats, virtual communities, and growth opportunities for Christian leaders, ministers, & spouses

Ministers matter to God
not for what we can do for Him,
but because we are His dearly loved children.

Leaders Who Last helps you remember that.

Learn how to engage in solitude and silence with God, & practice it - plus, enjoy meaningful time with others in God's presence

Virtual Meeting

Read & discuss important books on spiritual growth & ministry leadership with other ministers & spouses, & receive additional teaching on the subject


Pray & read scripture with other ministers & spouses each month

Faith Music

Affirm, clarify, or explore a calling to ministry



Team Hugging

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Bring Dr. Lamm Bray to work with your team on CliftonStrengths & communication, spiritual growth, or other areas, or schedule her to preach or speak at your church, retreat, or event

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Still Waters Retreat
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Still Waters Retreat

Meet Our Founder


Rev. Debbie Lamm Bray, PhD

Minister, leader, teacher, researcher, author, mentor, coach

After more than thirty years in ordained ministry, Debbie Lamm Bray sensed that God was leading her to something new. When God prompted her to focus on her long-held desire to foster spiritual and leadership growth and on providing safe spaces for Christian leaders, her heart awakened in a new way. 

When God said, "Now," Leaders Who Last was born.


Debbie holds a Master of Arts in Theological Studies focused on Bible/New Testament and a PhD in Higher Education with an emphasis on Organizational Leadership.  She is ordained with the Assemblies of God. 



She has served on church staff, volunteer leadership in churches, Christian university campus leadership, and ministry boards.  She has published articles, a blog, and a book.  She has taught theology, calling, ministry, and Bible courses for a university and for churches.  She leads CliftonStrengths workshops for ministry teams.  She coaches, mentors, and serves.












​Debbie knows she is not done learning and growing. 


She believes that embracing that journey with others in courage and humility is foundational to authentic Christian life, let alone healthy leadership. 


​And she believes that leaders who grow in courage and humility become 


Leaders Who Last.



What Leaders are Saying

"Stillness in the presence of God is very difficult for me. This retreat provided an opportunity to practice that and find a peace I have never had."

A pastor, on the experience of participating in a Still Waters Retreat

“Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."
- Jesus (Matt 11:28)
Live deep instead of fast.

Henry Seidel Canby


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